Quinte Tennis Club (QTC), as a member club of the Ontario Tennis Association (OTA), follows the rules and regulations set out by the OTA with regard to member conduct. Members and guests will conduct themselves on the premises (or when representing QTC on a team or at a tournament at another venue) in a courteous and responsible manner. Members and their guests should be able to enjoy the game of tennis as players or as spectators in a courteous, inclusive, and harassment-free environment. Applications for membership are accepted, and guests are welcomed, on the understanding that members and guests subscribe to and uphold these principles.

Members and their guests will refrain from violent, threatening, abusive language or behaviour toward other members, guests and club staff. Abuse may be perpetrated by an adult or a child, and the victim may be an adult or a child. (please see the OTA Policy Paper on Abuse and Harassment for further clarification on definitions of abuse)

The clubhouse monitors, members of the Board of Directors, and the club professional and teaching staff are tasked with ensuring that members and their guests comply with the rules. Members or guests who do not adhere to the rules may be asked to leave the court, may be warned of their breach, may be excluded from participating in some club activities, including club teams, tournaments and social events, and may have their membership suspended or cancelled. Furthermore, the OTA may enforce discipline against a member who breaches the OTA Code of Conduct, particularly if the infraction occurs during an OTA-sanctioned event.

Members or guests, club employees, and Board Members should provide a written report outlining the time, date, place, specific nature of the actions and person(s) involved to the President as soon as is practical after the incident. Verbal reports of such incidents are acceptable, but must be followed up in writing. The President will send a copy of the report to the member(s) concerned within one week of receipt of the written report. The President with the Board of Directors, or a Member Conduct Committee approved by the Board, makes decisions regarding warnings, exclusions, suspensions and cancellations of membership. Members of the Board of Directors, or a Board-appointed Member Conduct Committee, will review the history of written reports involving a specific member when arriving at a disciplinary decision, particularly if a member has a history of breaches of the Code of Conduct.


Members have a right to appeal a disciplinary decision of the Board (or Board-appointed Member Conduct Committee) in writing to the attention of the President no later than 15 days from the date of decision. Members who request an appeal will appear before a minimum of three members of the Board of Directors for a review of the disciplinary decision.


Out of Town Visitors and Guests of Members can pay a Adult Guest Fee of $20.  For Juniors the guest fee is $10.  We encourage membership; the Guest Fee privilege is intended to be used responsibly. Members are responsible to see that their guest fee is submitted.